Friday, October 5, 2007

I Did It!!

photo by Jessica C Levine

It’s hard to begin this post and start to try to explain the entire experience of the LIVESTRONG Challenge. But, here I’ll give it a try.

In the week leading up to the Challenge, we diligently checked the Portland weather forecast and we did expect some rain. It was a 90% chance. We arrived in Portland on Saturday afternoon and after a fruitful excursion to the PI outlet store (thanks, Brad!) we checked in for the Challenge at the Tiger Woods Center at the Nike Campus. We were greeted by friendly volunteers who gave us our packets, along with bright yellow sheets on preventing hypothermia. I think it spoke volumes about the expected weather. One of the prevention tips—avoid perspiration. No matter how cold it was going to be, I was sure I’d be sweating. By now, you’ve also probably read below that we received news that the 100 mile route was cancelled as a Challenge option. “Due to high winds, rain and dangerously low temperatures on Bald Peak, the portion of the route used for the 100 mile ride in this area will not be used….the longest ride option will be 70 miles”. I was a bit disappointed to hear this news as I really wanted to get this 100 completed. Upon more thought, the 70 miles would considerable shorten my ride time and I fully expected to be back to the Nike Campus in time to enjoy the post-ride festivities.

Thanks to all of you supporters, I was able to make my fundraising goal of $3000 and received a ticket to the Fundraising Appreciation Dinner on Saturday night. Andy and I attended the pasta dinner with special guests Alberto Salazar, Chris Carmichael, and of course, Lance. A fantastic event, presentation of some special awards, and recognition of some pretty amazing people who are working hard to support the LAF.

We awoke on Sunday morning at 5:30 am and it was raining. Actually, pouring. Andy and I suited up in all possible jackets and gear and headed over to Nike towards the start line. It was just about 50 degrees, and the temps didn't budge much throughout the day.

Along the way, during the 70 miles, I came to describe the experience as "Magnificently Miserable". It was just that. Fantastic and magnificent--much more fun than I had ever imagined and pretty miserable given the 50 degree temperature and the continued rain. I was soaked within the first 10 miles.

Andy and I rode across the finish line together, where JCL ran by our side, shooting photos, and hooting and hollering. Tears of joy streaming down my face, even before I knew she was there. Big Thanks to Jess for being there to capture these final moments. She even greeted me with a dry towel (just like the pros!). photos below by Jessica C Levine

Another huge thanks to my dear hubby whose unyielding support has been a big part of my success on this ride. Pushing me to ride after work, taking me on new routes around Seattle, helping me learn so much about cycling, and blocking the wind when I needed it, he's been there in front of me the whole way. I knew I'd be riding behind him most of the time, so Andy wore my tribute to mom on his backpack so I could look ahead for my motivation.

Finally, another big thanks to the 53 of you who helped me reach my fundraising goal and all the others who have offered their support along the way. I could not have done this without each and every one of you. THANK YOU!

Click HERE for complete photo album from the Challenge.

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