Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Welcome to the Team Rigel Blog

Here, we will chronicle Team Rigel's members as they prepare for, fund raise for, and participate in the LIVESTRONG Challenge in Portland, Oregon on September 29-30, 2007. As many of you may know, my father recently lost his battle with cancer and several other members of our family have been touched by the disease. When I heard about the LIVESTRONG Challenge, which benefits the Lance Armstrong Foundation, I knew I had to participate.

More than 1.3 million people in the U.S. will be diagnosed with cancer this year alone. Three out of four families in America will be faced with caring for a family member with cancer. We are one of those families. Team Rigel's goal is to raise at least $5,000 for the Lance Armstrong Foundation. It's a big goal, one that we will need the support of people like you to achieve.

If you have been affected by cancer, or you care about this cause, please consider donating toward Team Rigel's fundraising goal. You can make a donation online by clicking on any of the Team Rigel members' fundraising links to the right. We also welcome you to join us on our team and participate in the LIVESTRONG Challenge. You can join our team by clicking on the Team Rigel link to the right.

Thank you in advance for your support. Together, we can make a difference.



In Law Star said...

Thanks for initiating this, Team Rigel Captain Blue Star ! I'm a total newbie at posting to a blog, but its for a good cause, so enjoy a grin or a laugh as I try to puzzle my way along ;-)>

Blue Star said...

No thanks necessary. It is very fulfilling to work for a cause I beleive in. The spirit of teamwork gives us the power to overcome obstacles and make a difference in our lives as well as others.

Thank you for agreeing to participate and stepping outside your comfort zone (the blog, the bike, etc.) We will remember this experience for the rest of our lives and it will probably make for great stories for years to come.

Blue Star